Qu'est-ce que here's a tip and a spear behind it ?

"Here's a tip and a spear behind it" is an English expression that can be traced back to an old English proverb. The phrase is used to convey a hidden threat or an ulterior motive behind a seemingly innocent or friendly statement. It implies that there is more to a situation than meets the eye.

The phrase originates from the practice of disguising a spear behind a tip or offering something seemingly harmless. In this context, "here's a tip" refers to providing advice or a helpful suggestion, while "and a spear behind it" signifies the hidden danger or motive.

The expression is often used to caution people about being wary of hidden intentions or to remind them that things may not always be as they appear. It serves as a reminder that even well-intentioned advice or actions can have a negative or manipulative aspect.

Overall, "here's a tip and a spear behind it" is a proverbial expression that encourages vigilance and critical thinking. It reminds us to look beyond the surface and consider the hidden implications or motives behind someone's words or actions.